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人均最低$149【下午茶造型蠟燭/寶石梘工作坊】芳香療法治癒身心 自由配搭花材、調色 |葵興十月花菇
Kwai Chung
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優惠套票Highlight !
✓ 人均$149起製作獨一無二食物造型香薰蠟燭/寶石造型香皂
✓ 價錢包括工具、蠟材、香薰精油、導師費
✓ 工作坊星期一至日均開放
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What to expect
✦ 優惠期由即日起至2023年2月28日,請於此日期當日或之前預約及體驗
✦ 必須於最少 3 天前 WhatsApp 6515 8955 或 透過IG : libra_faxgu 聯繫進行及確認預約,預約上課時間時須註明使用TapNow 獨家優惠
葵興十月花菇工作室推出【下午茶蠟燭/寶石肥皂】工作坊,低至$160起,即可在導師指導之下配搭不同色彩、乾花等等,創造屬於自己獨一無二的香薰作品!下午茶蠟燭工作坊中,大家將會透過不同的蠟材和技巧,自由選飲品及甜品,配以香薰精油,打造香氣滿溢的小泡芙,拿鐵咖啡、花茶等下午茶食品!猶如寶石般閃閃發亮的肥皂,與一般手工皂相比更為閃爍繽紛。寶石肥皂工作坊則會教授甘油皂基的調色、倒模、切割及消泡技巧。 幾款工作坊均是小班教學,星期一至日都開班,俾你根據個人喜好選擇!
▲【甘油寶石皂工作坊 1位】:使用進口台灣皂基 及 IFRA認證香精完成閃亮的甘油寶石皂。
▸ 立即預訂 TapNow x 十月花菇【造型蠟燭/寶石梘工作坊】優惠套票,以香味療癒身心!
Libra Fa Gu
WhatsApp: 6515 8955
IG : libra_faxgu
• 優惠期由即日起至2023年2月28日,請於此日期當日或之前預約及體驗
• 購買訂單後將收到電郵確認信
• 以上優惠不能與其他優惠及推廣同時使用
• 下單後不設取消或退款
• 取消訂單皆不予退款
• 缺席預約或取消預約將不設退款
• 圖片僅供參考,實際內容請參照實物
• 需要按照預訂日期及當天開放時間內使用,逾期失效
• 特別天氣情況下(例如天文台發出8號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號、紅色或黑色暴雨警告信號等),請自行聯絡商戶查詢當天安排,但不設退款
• Libra Fa Gu 保留隨時更改、取消或補充此活動的條款及細則,更改、暫停、終止或取消活動的權利,而無須事先通知或解釋原因
• 如有任何爭議,TapNow 及 Libra Fa Gu 保留最終決定權
• 必須於最少 3 天前 WhatsApp 6515 8955 或 透過IG : libra_faxgu 聯繫進行及確認預約,預約上課時間時須註明使用TapNow 獨家優惠
• 服務之預訂安排須視乎商戶實際供應情況而定,敬請提早預約,詳情請聯絡商戶查詢
• 由於空間有限,我們建議你及早自行向商戶預約時段,以便確認預約及預留時段
COVID19 特別情況安排:
• 如疫情下,體驗活動當日受政府收緊限制政策(包括限聚令)影響,而導致未能上課,請自行聯絡商戶查詢當天安排
• 訂購之方案
• 工作坊所需材料和工具
• 以上未提及的消費
Libra Fa Gu
6515 8955
Do I need to sign up for a TapNow account before I can book?
Yes, you'll need to create an account first. You can sign up using your email, phone number or a third-party account like Facebook or Google.
How can I book an activity?
Search activities on TapNow, select what you want to book and continue to the payment page. Complete your payment and start your adventure!
Do I have to use my voucher at a particular time/date?
For most activities on TapNow, your voucher is only valid for the selected booking time/date.
How will I know if my booking is confirmed?
After your booking is confirmed, we'll send you an email that confirms your booking, and with the voucher attached.
To view your bookings, go to the Bookings page on TapNow.
I've made a booking but haven't received a booking confirmation email. What should I do?
Please check your spam folder in your email inbox first.
If you still cannot find the booking confirmation email, please contact our Customer Service Team.
Where can I find my bookings?
TapNow Website
You can click the account button in the upper right corner of the TapNow website, and then select ""My Orders"" to view the order.
TapNow App
You can click the order button on the main interface of the TapNow application, and then view the order.
What payment methods can I use?
You can pay by credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, Union Pay and American Express), Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay HK, Tap&Go.
How come my payment failed?
First, refresh the booking page and try to book again.
You must complete the payment within 30 minutes after pressing 'Pay', or payment will be cancelled. However, you can create a new booking.
Due to security issues, some credit cards will use the 3DS verification function. If the verification fails, the booking will be cancelled.
If your payment card is rejected, please try other payment methods. TapNow accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay and others (for HKD only).
Still experiencing problems? Please contact our Customer Service Team.
Where can I find the directions to my booked activity?
Before booking
You can find the meeting point details of the activity on the product's page.
After booking
You can find the meeting point details on your voucher that can be found in the Bookings page on TapNow or in your email inbox.
If you're still unsure, feel free to directly contact the supplier of your activity to find out more details (their contact info is on your voucher).
What should I do if I cannot contact the service provider?
Please contact TapNow Customer Service Team.